* [[Beckert, Empire of Cotton]] * [[Blight, A Slave No More]] * [[Blight, Race and Reunion]] * [[Coates, “Why Do So Few Blacks Study the Civil War?”]] * [[Cohen, “You Have No Flag Out Yet?”]] * [[Colby, “Negroes Will Bear Fabulous Prices”]] * [[Downs, Sick from Freedom]] * [[Emberton, “Only Murder Makes Men”]] * [[Fleche, Revolution of 1861]] * [[Foster, “What’s Not in a Name”]] * [[Glatthaar, “A Tale of Two Armies”]] * [[Glymph, The Women’s Fight]] * [[Jones, “Opium Slavery”]] * [[Kornblith, “Rethinking the Coming of the Civil War”]] * [[Lande, “Trials of Freedom”]] * [[MacKenzie, “The Slaveholders' War”]] * [[Marten, “A Running Fight against Their Fellow Men”]] * [[Masur, Civil War]] * [[Matteson, A Worse Place than Hell]] * [[Nelson, “From Pima Villages to the Walker Mines”]] * [[Sinha, “The Caning of Charles Sumner”]] * [[Varon, “Save in Defense of my Native State”]] * [[Waite, “Jefferson Davis and Proslavery Visions of Empire in the Far West”]] * [[Whites, “Forty Shirts and a Wagonload of Wheat”]]