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On February second of 1848, negotiators representing Mexico and the United States concluded the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War and extended America's boundaries to the Pacific Ocean. (Guy)

By the mid-1820s, most of Spain's colonies in Central and South America had won independence after a series of long and bloody wars. This was a little after the United States issued the Monroe Doctrine in 1812, which pledged to prevent the reestablishment of empire in the New World. (Guy)

Fleche explains that Irish immigrants in the United States benefited from equality as white men which is something they did not experience in Ireland. As a result, many Irish immigrants in the Union embraced the Democrat party and were opposed to the abolition of slavery because “agitation of the issue” would destroy the republic. Fleche substantiates this by highlighting that John Mitchel, an Irish immigrant, argued in his newspaper that “northern republicanism threatened the legacy of 1776.” (Tiblin)

fleche_revolution_of_1861.1737649530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/23 16:25 by itiblin