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Chapter 1

On February second of 1848, negotiators representing Mexico and the United States concluded the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ended the Mexican War and extended America's boundaries to the Pacific Ocean. (Guy)

By the mid-1820s, most of Spain's colonies in Central and South America had won independence after a series of long and bloody wars. This was a little after the United States issued the Monroe Doctrine in 1812, which pledged to prevent the reestablishment of empire in the New World. (Guy)

Fleche explains that Irish immigrants in the United States benefited from equality as white men which is something they did not experience in Ireland. As a result, many Irish immigrants in the Union embraced the Democrat party and were opposed to the abolition of slavery because “agitation of the issue” would destroy the republic. Fleche substantiates this by highlighting that John Mitchel, an Irish immigrant, argued in his newspaper that “northern republicanism threatened the legacy of 1776.” (Tiblin)

It was interesting how the US responded to the many revolutions of 1848. Many within the US saw these democratic movements as a natural continuation of momentum carried on by the American revolution. Although the nation did not offer any formal support to the European Nationalists, many Americans stated they would be willing to if called forth to do so. (Tanner Gillikin)

The revolution of 1848 had a strong impact on American politics. For abolitionists, they saw the battle for freedom in Europe as a way to raise questions on the matter of Slavery in the US. Frederick Douglas saw the struggle between the traditional feudal style government in Europe as having clear parallels with that of the institution of slavery in the US. He saw it as the prelude to the inevitable battle against the unjust institution. (Tanner Gillikin)

Chapter 2

During the early morning hours of April 12, 1861, Confederate cannons opened fire on a federal fort guarding the approaches to Charleston Harbor. Fort Sumter surrendered after a thirty-three-hour bombardment, setting off the beginning of the Civil War and triggering Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas to succeed to the Confederacy. (Guy)

fleche_revolution_of_1861.1737752893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/24 21:08 by gguy2